Top Baby Names of 2019 at Bothwell Regional Health Center

Bothwell Regional Health Center is excited to announce its top baby names of 2019. Five girl names hold the title of most popular, while there is a nine-way tie for the most popular boy name.

“No matter their names, we are grateful to play a vital role in welcoming future generations into this community,” said Lori Wightman, Bothwell CEO. “Those of us at Bothwell thank the families for allowing our team to be part of their special moments.”

The most popular girl names at Bothwell in 2019 were Olivia, Ava, Sophia, Anna and Aria. The most popular boy names for the year at Bothwell were Levi, Easton, Dylan, Aiden, Andrew, William, Kai, Carter and Charles. Although these names were the most popular, 337 of the 481 babies born at Bothwell in 2019 had unique names that were not duplicated within the hospital.

The most popular girls names at Bothwell follow national trends, with top names in the U.S. including Emma, Olivia, Ava, Isabelle and Amelia. The top boy names differ slightly, with national trends including Liam, Noah, Logan, James and Oliver.

“It is always exciting to hear the new names each year,” said Wightman. “We look forward to meeting the babies of 2020.”

For more information about Bothwell OB/GYN Associates or Women’s Health Services, contact Bothwell OB/GYN Associates at (660) 827-0015.