Having a baby is a joyous time, and we are honored to share in that extraordinary life moment. Our specially trained staff helps prepare and support you throughout your pregnancy and birth experience while providing the highest level of care. From the moment you learn you are welcoming a new addition to your life, we will be with you every step of the way including regular office visits that allow you to ask one-on-one questions, childbirth education group support classes or even a tour of our state-of-the-art Women’s Health and Newborn Care unit.
Women’s Health and Newborn Care is comfortable and appealing and includes four large labor-delivery-recovery rooms along with four larger family-friendly post-partum rooms. Our medical team knows the importance of keeping you and your newborn together by providing rooming-in care. Rooming-in care encourages faster bonding, easier breastfeeding, better preparation for home, and the same experienced nurse caring for you and your baby, all while providing advanced care. For babies needing extra care, our team’s experience and resources provide comprehensive neonatal intensive care.
Whether you choose to deliver your baby by natural childbirth or low intervention or you experience a high-risk pregnancy, our expert physicians, midwives, nurse practitioners and nurses are here for you.
Celebratory Dinner
As a thank you for choosing Bothwell for the birth of your child, you and a guest may receive a celebratory dinner on the last night of your hospital stay.
The American Pediatric Association recommends new mothers and babies stay in the hospital 48 hours after a vaginal delivery, as it decreases the likelihood of newborns needing additional hospital care. The first 24 hours after birth are critical for monitoring both the baby’s and the mother’s health. If women stay for less than a day, they could also be at higher risk for complications. Women should typically stay longer after C-sections since they have to recover from major surgery.

Helping your baby get off to the best start